Most popular updates for app developers on Flutter 2.10

With the latest 2.10 Flutter updates proposed, one can safely state that this tool is no longer an ordinary cross-platform framework, but a useful tool letting a developer build any app on any platform. Based on the user experience and the app’s business logic, daring app developers are empowered to do their best and generate a group of apps unified by the same code and philosophy.

Perhaps you know that, according to the 2021 Statista and SlashData analyst surveys, Flutter is applied by 42% of software developers and is the most wide-spread hybrid UI toolkit. This cross-platform framework, released in 2017 by Google and being constantly enhanced by the open-source community, has been progressing quickly: from a cross-platform mobile development software development tool for Android/iOS into an open-source and free tool, now flying on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux.

As of recently, Flutter ran in web browsers, on 5 operating systems - iOS and Android, macOS, Linux and Windows, and in web browsers. Keep in mind that with Flutter 3.0 version released on May, 11, 2022, all the developer ideas and the creative engineering experience you’ve craved for can be smoothly implemented on all the platforms you or your client is targeting.

What’s new in Flutter 2.10 for your app development?

Keeping in mind that Flutter 2.10 is a somehow passed stage, with Flutter 3 presented this May, let’s have a closer look at the Flutter 2.10 excellent features and benefit from its new user experience:

  1. 1
    Ready-made apps on Windows: from now on, developing apps on Windows is a much more steady process as the workability on the stable Flutter channel is provided by default. Speaking in detail, this Flutter version includes broad improvements for text handling, integrations right into the Windows core, keyboard management and shortcuts, command-line argument support, a smooth environment, and globalized input of the text.
  2. 2
    Enhanced performance: decreased original support for dirty region management 90% and 99% rasterization on the order less on several control parameters and utilizing graphics core on the parameters from more than 90% to less than 10%, with the possibility to launch partial repaints for a single dirty region on iOS/ Metal.
  3. 3
    New features for iOS, Android and web:
    On iPhone: few platform-specific parameters were incorporated by default to the app (polished interface elements like keyboard animations), with more balanced camera plugin added by fixing a few borderline case collapses; On Android: automatic support of the newest Android developer kit version,12, plus for multidex files, and the activity on resolving prevalent faults. “Flutter Fix” tool now comes in the logs when helping to merge an add-on to the app, empowering the default Android SDK;
  4. 4
    Transition of Material 3 that incorporates designing an entire color scheme from a single seed color, creating a new color scheme type with any color, completed with ThemeData in this new Flutter version.
  5. 5
    Enhancements to I&T: in this Flutter package, new integration testing features are supplied like web and desktop and Firebase Test lab support; besides, seamless integration is provided with your app through the unification testing story, with the integration test package in the very Flutter SDK. Don’t get past the migration guide from Flutter driver to integration test.
  6. 6
    Development Tools - smooth use of devtools from the command line with no need to launch the pub global activate, but benefit from the dart DevTools to acquire the Flutter release consistent with the current one used.

In short, Flutter 2.10 proposes:

Keeping in mind that Flutter 2.10 is a somehow passed stage, with Flutter 3 presented this May, let’s have a closer look at the Flutter 2.10 excellent features and benefit from its new user experience:

Embedded Windows stability and the UI improved
Big range of removed faults and bugs, and enhanced efficiency and improved operation capacity
For iOS, camera package and keyboard animation have been incorporated to make a more user-friendly and reliable interface
Expanded testing and integration possibilities

What’s more for app developers?


Proceeding further, the latest Flutter release contributes to creating the blossoming UI of your desktop apps, enriching them with portable, nicely designed and polished UX and an attractive user interface.


But what’s even greater, in the newest Flutter version six platforms are targeted, so stay tuned to see the Flutter 3.0 disclosed in our further articles - with its array of iOS and Android, desktop and mobile web-browsers supported, not forgetting Windows with MacOS and Linux OS supported and making a developer innovative concepts to come true!


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