Machine Learning Services

Let us say it at the outset, machine learning technologies deliver and develop advanced machine learning solutions to help enterprises solve crucial business challenges. This way, our best-of-breed services help our clients achieve data-driven decision making with ML-powered applications.

How We Work?

01. Exploration

Although the process may differ for structured and unstructured data, in most cases we begin with exploration. Based on various packages and libraries available for Python, our ML engineers analyze the amount of data you have and establish the amount of information they need to design a machine learning solution for your business.

02. ML Modeling

After all the necessary data is obtained, our engineers proceed with model creation and training, thus, developing a smart AI algorithm designed to address your business challenge in the best way. This stage usually lasts up to 3 months.

03. Deployment

When a ready-made model has been thoroughly tested, the deployment stage commences. Various platforms for the model deployment, such as Azure Machine Learning or ModelDB, depending on your solution, are chosen between. Hence, the one that meets your software requirements is selected.

04. Support

This is the interim project stage, our collaboration does not end here. After we get your feedback, we analyze the results and discuss how we can scale the AI software to benefit your business.

  • Gardenguru project | Entexy

    The app for plants caring

    GardenGuru reminds you about caring for your plants with the help of comfortable system notifications. Machine learning is used for recognizing plant by photo

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  • Cube project | Entexy

    Check Ur Birthmark easily

    A cutting-edge prediagnostic app gives you a hand to track your skin condition and reveal any suspicious birthmarks. With the CUBE app you can diagnose skin problems at an early stage quickly and easily.

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  • CleanyFace project | Entexy

    Clean your skin in one click

    An app uses the most advanced processing technology based on neural networks and brings each photo till perfection.

    About the project


What does the ML process look like?
As you refer to our data science team, we conduct a thorough audit of your business, investigate challenges, and present our machine learning solution to address them. The next stage is exploring and analyzing the amount of data you have, and identifying which data needs to be sourced to develop the software.

As soon as we harmonize all the terms, we move on to the model creation and training. Here, we test your idea on conformity to your business case. This stage usually lasts from 3 to 7 weeks. Once we are sure about our solution’s suitability to your goals and needs, our team embarks on the product development stage. Upon discussing all the details with the client, starting from the design to a feature set, we decide if there's a need to build an MVP or a full-fledged product.

The development stage usually lasts from 2-6 months, depending on the complexity of the ML software; here a dedicated project manager is assigned informing you about updates and tracking the progress. When the software is tested and ready for the launch, there are two options: our team can deploy the product on the platform you choose or send it to you for the deployment.
What is the range of your machine learning services?
Our company capabilities are strong as we have a competent ML engineers team ready to satisfy any of your requests. Whether you want to launch a startup or require custom software exactly for your company, our engineers’ vast experience in a variety of industries will provide a qualified response to any of your proposals - from social media to healthcare and fintech.

A comprehensive analysis of your challenges and a solution that aligns with your goals is just at hand.
How can machine learning benefit my business?
Application of machine learning is almost unlimited. One of the first tech giants, Airbnb, leveraged the power of AI solutions using ML software to process and analyze customer generated data.

Application of machine learning is almost unlimited. One of the first tech giants, Airbnb, leveraged the power of AI solutions using ML software to process and analyze customer generated data.

Our technology helps the company to come up with relevant proposals targeted at different client segments. Proceeding upwards, Amazon relies on predictive analytics to enhance customer experiences and buyer satisfaction rates. And that is only a small volume of machine learning potential. Go ahead and test its enormous power on your company!
Can I request a machine learning solution if I don’t have enough data?
Absolutely. Our data science team will assist you in searching for available datasets online that will align with your request. In case of failure, we will involve our annotator team that gathers and marks up the data to build your custom software.

Contact us

Contact our partnership manager, describe your desired product functionality - and we will shape the best cost/clients' requirements match for you within one business day!